26 Mar 2009

London Police Encourage Citizens To Report Contents Of Each Others’ Bins To Prevent Terrorism

A new London Metropolitan Police anti-terrorism campaign is encouraging law abiding citizens to look through each others’ bins to check for “suspicious” items such as chemical bottles, and to report any troubling findings to the police.

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“Don’t rely on others. If you suspect it report it,” the Metropolitan Police press release states. “Londoners are being asked to trust their instincts and report suspicious behaviour to help combat terrorist activity.”

The posters will be displayed in newspapers, at tube and rail stations as well as on the back of buses. A suitably Stasi-like radio ad has also been produced. A second poster has been produced outlining how returning the ever-watching gaze of one of the 4.2 million CCTV cameras in the UK should also be considered suspicious behaviour.

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The British authorities are bent on driving fear into the hearts of Britons: fear of terrorists, immigrants, pedophiles, children, knives… And once people are afraid enough, they’ll write government a blank check to expand its authority without sense or limit.

More by Steve Watson on Prisonplanet.com