16 Dec 2009

U.N. Climate Talks Deadlocked as Clashes Erupt Outside

Clashes both diplomatic and violent punctuated the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen on Wednesday, as major disputes threatened to derail plans for world leaders to sign an agreement that continues to elude negotiators.


While baton-wielding police outside battled protestors in the streets, a series of setbacks and continued roadblocks in negotiations left some of the meeting’s most important nations saying the conference was in trouble.

"The process is not transparent," complained a high-ranking official with the Chinese delegation, one of the conference's most important players. "We are opposed to the proceeding."

The Chinese were referring to the text of a new draft document that was reportedly being circulated by the Danish delegation, which is host to the conference. But there was confusion even on that point, as some denied even the existence of the new text.
